Sundays at 9:30am and 11am
Saturdays at 6pm
You can view the worship service live on Sundays or on-demand anytime throughout the week.
What should you expect when you visit Brookhaven Church?
You will feel welcome and you will leave knowing that we were really glad you were there. You will not leave saying to yourself, "no one talked to me or no one cares about me."
You will be accepted here. Everyone of us has made mistakes and done things we aren't proud of. At our church you can start over again. Your past mistakes will not be held against you. You will find a place where you are accepted for who you are and where you will find the answers and encouragement to help you become what God wants you to be.
You will find people who are passionate about helping you have a more fulfilling marriage, better parenting skills & financial freedom.
You will find environments for your children and teens that are secure, clean and fun. We will be positive influences in their lives, partnering with you for their highest good.
You will experience worship and teaching that lifts up the Name of Jesus and is faithful to the Word of God.
You will be accepted here. Everyone of us has made mistakes and done things we aren't proud of. At our church you can start over again. Your past mistakes will not be held against you. You will find a place where you are accepted for who you are and where you will find the answers and encouragement to help you become what God wants you to be.
You will find people who are passionate about helping you have a more fulfilling marriage, better parenting skills & financial freedom.
You will find environments for your children and teens that are secure, clean and fun. We will be positive influences in their lives, partnering with you for their highest good.
You will experience worship and teaching that lifts up the Name of Jesus and is faithful to the Word of God.