October 13th, 2021
by Brett Meredith
by Brett Meredith
In reading the story of Abraham, I am amazed by the faith that he showed God. While Abraham was far from perfect, he lived his life with a clear conviction that God was willing and able to do what He promised to do. God promised Abraham that he would be given a son, and in turn that son would be the first of countless descendants. Not only that, but God promised Abraham the land of Canaan to those descendants.
The faith of Abraham was truly inspiring. It’s one thing for me (at 27 years old) to believe that God will one day give me children… but Abraham was an old man when God was promising him this. He was 100 years old when Isaac was born! Now that is faith!
I love what Paul says about Abraham in Romans 4:
Abraham believed, hoping against hope, so that he became the father of many nations according to what had been spoken: So will your descendants be (verse 18).
And later:
He did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform (verses 20–21).
Abraham trusted that the Lord was able to do everything that He promised Abraham. He put his trust in the person of God. So often we say, “I have faith, Lord,” but yet we continue to try and make things happen according to our power. Our faith must be grounded in the person of Christ, and we must trust that the things He has promised us He is also able to carry out.
Later on, God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac. Think about that… God asks him to give up the thing that he had hoped for all of his life. I can’t imagine what Abraham went through. The thing about it that astounds me is that he never wavered in his faith. Abraham trusted because, according to Hebrews 11:19, he believed that God would raise Isaac from the dead. Now THAT is faith…
We can learn so much from Abraham’s life. But at the very core of it is this: The One who promises is faithful. God will not promise to do something that He is not able to do. What are the promises you’re holding onto today? Is your faith beginning to waver? Don’t lose hope. He who promises is faithful.
The faith of Abraham was truly inspiring. It’s one thing for me (at 27 years old) to believe that God will one day give me children… but Abraham was an old man when God was promising him this. He was 100 years old when Isaac was born! Now that is faith!
I love what Paul says about Abraham in Romans 4:
Abraham believed, hoping against hope, so that he became the father of many nations according to what had been spoken: So will your descendants be (verse 18).
And later:
He did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform (verses 20–21).
Abraham trusted that the Lord was able to do everything that He promised Abraham. He put his trust in the person of God. So often we say, “I have faith, Lord,” but yet we continue to try and make things happen according to our power. Our faith must be grounded in the person of Christ, and we must trust that the things He has promised us He is also able to carry out.
Later on, God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac. Think about that… God asks him to give up the thing that he had hoped for all of his life. I can’t imagine what Abraham went through. The thing about it that astounds me is that he never wavered in his faith. Abraham trusted because, according to Hebrews 11:19, he believed that God would raise Isaac from the dead. Now THAT is faith…
We can learn so much from Abraham’s life. But at the very core of it is this: The One who promises is faithful. God will not promise to do something that He is not able to do. What are the promises you’re holding onto today? Is your faith beginning to waver? Don’t lose hope. He who promises is faithful.
Posted in Faith
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