July 12th, 2022
by Alex Miller
by Alex Miller
Scripture References: Deuteronomy 16:9-10, Leviticus 23:15, Acts 2:1-31
I know yesterday we celebrated/recognized Pentecost, or better known to the Jews as Shavuot. Technically speaking I’m not late getting this email out. You see, Shavuot is a two day holiday and this year it started on the nightfall of June 4th and ends on the nightfall of June 6th.
So what is Shavuot? Shavuot means “weeks”, and also means “oaths”. It celebrates the seven-week period between Passover and Shavuot, 49 days, and Shavuot is on the 50th day. After the original Passover event, the Jewish people left Egypt and were walking in the desert of Sinai. During this time, they were under divine protection from Yahweh. They were completely reliant upon Him. They needed His guidance, they needed His protection from the elements and enemies, they needed their food(manna) and water from Him. Each day their faith grew more and more on Him. They eventually came to Mt Sinai, which is where Moses went up and received the Torah.
We celebrate it as well, but we call it Pentecost. Much like Shavuot, we celebrate/recognize it 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection. Our celebration isn’t much different than the Jewish meaning. We remember Passover/Easter as the time Jesus gave His life for our sins, the ultimate sacrificial lamb, and then was resurrected three days later. Then 50 days later, the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 followers of Jesus and set up a new law, a new system. This is the day the “Church” was born. God knew that man could never fulfil the Law, this was the plan all along, for Jesus to be the Passover Lamb, and the Holy Spirit to come and dwell with His people. Since the fall of man, God has been setting the stage to restore the relationship He once had with His creation. It will be finalized one day.
What is interesting is that during the 40 days between Easter and Pentecost, Jesus was around walking and talking with people. He was confirming with His people that He was alive, that He was real, that He was with them. He was settling their fears, reminding them of His promises. He was also teaching them and preparing them for the task that was at hand. He was also putting an exclamation point on His teachings. I see the correlation between God’s Shekinah Glory with the Jewish people and Jesus’ walking with His people. Again, its almost like God had a plan in all this.
I don’t think we give The Holy Spirit enough credit for what He did on that day. The third person of the Trinity came that day and set up residence with us, He is tabernacling with us. He is our helper, our guide, our councilor, or intermediary, He convicts us of our sins, He is our teacher, He is the source of revelation and wisdom, He gives us spiritual gifts, He is the seal that God the Father gave us to call us His children. Remember, the Holy Spirit is God.
That day was/is very important, let’s not just look and go, oh yea today is Pentecost.
Pray and thank God for sending the Holy Spirit. Thank the Holy Spirit for all He does for us on a daily basis.
I know yesterday we celebrated/recognized Pentecost, or better known to the Jews as Shavuot. Technically speaking I’m not late getting this email out. You see, Shavuot is a two day holiday and this year it started on the nightfall of June 4th and ends on the nightfall of June 6th.
So what is Shavuot? Shavuot means “weeks”, and also means “oaths”. It celebrates the seven-week period between Passover and Shavuot, 49 days, and Shavuot is on the 50th day. After the original Passover event, the Jewish people left Egypt and were walking in the desert of Sinai. During this time, they were under divine protection from Yahweh. They were completely reliant upon Him. They needed His guidance, they needed His protection from the elements and enemies, they needed their food(manna) and water from Him. Each day their faith grew more and more on Him. They eventually came to Mt Sinai, which is where Moses went up and received the Torah.
We celebrate it as well, but we call it Pentecost. Much like Shavuot, we celebrate/recognize it 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection. Our celebration isn’t much different than the Jewish meaning. We remember Passover/Easter as the time Jesus gave His life for our sins, the ultimate sacrificial lamb, and then was resurrected three days later. Then 50 days later, the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 followers of Jesus and set up a new law, a new system. This is the day the “Church” was born. God knew that man could never fulfil the Law, this was the plan all along, for Jesus to be the Passover Lamb, and the Holy Spirit to come and dwell with His people. Since the fall of man, God has been setting the stage to restore the relationship He once had with His creation. It will be finalized one day.
What is interesting is that during the 40 days between Easter and Pentecost, Jesus was around walking and talking with people. He was confirming with His people that He was alive, that He was real, that He was with them. He was settling their fears, reminding them of His promises. He was also teaching them and preparing them for the task that was at hand. He was also putting an exclamation point on His teachings. I see the correlation between God’s Shekinah Glory with the Jewish people and Jesus’ walking with His people. Again, its almost like God had a plan in all this.
I don’t think we give The Holy Spirit enough credit for what He did on that day. The third person of the Trinity came that day and set up residence with us, He is tabernacling with us. He is our helper, our guide, our councilor, or intermediary, He convicts us of our sins, He is our teacher, He is the source of revelation and wisdom, He gives us spiritual gifts, He is the seal that God the Father gave us to call us His children. Remember, the Holy Spirit is God.
That day was/is very important, let’s not just look and go, oh yea today is Pentecost.
Pray and thank God for sending the Holy Spirit. Thank the Holy Spirit for all He does for us on a daily basis.
Posted in Crazy Bible Believers
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